How Do I Know That My Child Is Ready for Camp?

Written by Alli King

There’s not a one-size-fits-all approach when it comes to deciding when your child is ready to make the jump to an overnight camp. However, there are a few signs that show that it might be time! 

  • They asked to go to camp...If your child is old enough to know what camp entails, and wants to go, that could be a sign that they’re ready. If they’re able to help choose the camp, that not only shows that they have the maturity to go, but it also will help them be excited! By giving them some sense of control, your child is less likely to struggle with homesickness once there.

  • They do well at sleepovers...If your child avoids sleeping over with friends, or often calls to get picked up early, they might need some more time. If they’ve never had one, try arranging a sleepover with a friend.

  • They’re OK with new people and situations...While everyone can get nervous in a new setting, if your child is able to adapt relatively quickly, that’s a good sign they’re ready for camp life. It is important to remember, though, that getting nervous and/or being a little homesick is completely normal… even if they asked to go to camp!

  • They can shower and brush their teeth on their own...Now, we’re not saying they will always remember, or that they don’t actively try to avoid these situations (that’s what counselors are for!), but your child should be able to handle those tasks without assistance.

  • They can function without electronics for an extended amount of time...While this doesn’t have to do with age or maturity level, it is an important question to ask yourself. If your child has extreme difficulty in situations where they are unable to go online for a day, they may not be ready for an unplugged environment.

  • YOU are ready to support him going to camp...While your child may be ready to go off on their own for a week or two, will you be okay? There will be pictures posted, and there’s always snail mail, but you need to be ready to go without speaking to your child on the phone while they’re off on their adventure. If you think your child is ready for camp, but you’re hesitant to be far away, consider taking a vacation in the area after you drop him off. We promise he’ll have tons of stories to share when you pick him up!

If you think your son might be ready for summer camp and just need a little more information, call our office and we’ll be happy to answer any questions you may have.

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