Choice Blocks
Choice blocks are offered nearly every day after rest hour, and give campers an opportunity to try new activities. They can change daily, depending on what our campers want to do. In addition to the activities described here, boys can also choose to dive even deeper into their daily morning choices if they’d like to really specialize or spend more time developing a certain skill. You can even dream up a new activity and we’ll do it! This list is only the beginning of possibilities at Camp Arrowhead.
We’re excavating an old home site at Camp Arrowhead to discover how the early homesteaders lived here. You’ll get the rare chance to practice field and lab techniques with an archaeologist at our dig!
Let’s make some noise! We’ll have some jam sessions for those who already know how to play and lessons for beginners who want to learn the basics. Guitar, ukulele, harmonica, and keyboard are all possibilities for the musically inclined.
Flint Knapping
Flint knapping has been practiced by humans for hundreds of thousands of years and at camp, boys can join the tradition. We’ll make our own arrowheads, taking something like obsidian or flint and carefully crafting it into something both beautiful and useful.
Maker’s Space
We love just making things! In Maker’s Space, our arts & crafts room opens up so boys can just show off their creativity. What can you make from rubber bands, some string, and craft sticks? We can’t wait to see!
Gold Panning
Come down to the creek to try your luck panning for precious stones. We’ve found gold and rubies so far, see what shows up in your pan!
Sometimes after a week of busy camp days, you need some time to calm down and center yourself! We have found plenty of ways to combine mindfulness and camp fun- like yoga with our goats, Clovis and Folsom!
What do YOU want to learn this summer?
We hire counselors who have more skills than we can count, and choice blocks are the perfect time to take advantage of their knowledge. From swordplay with bamboo practice swords to mountain bike maintenance, this is a time campers can really spread their horizons.
Boy Scout Merit Badges
If you’re a Boy Scout working on merit badges, we have staff that can sign off on your blue card for certain activities. Make sure you prepare before you come to camp by getting approval from your Scout Master and letting us know that you’re interested.
Saw Mill
Much of the wood you see around camp was made from trees on our property. If you want to feel like a lumberjack, put on some gloves and safety glasses and try your hand at the mill!
Outdoor Cooking
Have you ever wanted to cook your food over a fire? We’ll learn how to build a good cooking fire and use skillets and dutch ovens. Of course we’ll get to taste test our creations at the end!