Registration Policies
Reservations are complete only once a fully completed application is submitted and the entire deposit is received. Deposits are accepted online through eCheck or credit card. You may also mail a check to camp. Applications are not considered complete until we receive the full deposit.
Upon registration, 10% of the listed deposit will serve as an enrollment fee. The remainder of the deposit will be refundable until February 1. If written notice of cancellation is received before May 1, tuition minus the deposit can be refunded. There is no refund after May 1, when the remainder of your balance is due. You are able to make multiple payments throughout the year until the balance is due.
Applications are accepted for entire sessions only. No refunds will be made for late entrance or early withdrawal. There will be no refunds once a camper has started a session.
Camp tuition is all-inclusive. There are no additional fees for laundry, medical care in the infirmary, or special events. Parents will have to pay for any new prescriptions or off campus doctor visits.